Thursday, January 17, 2013

One word... Erf!

Erf!  That is all that can be said at this point.  Erf because I only opened my doc file on Society of Night and Lies during my nine days of no work.  All I did was just look at it and pondered other things.  Erf because for the last two days, I have come home late enough I can barely check messages while eating dinner before going to bed.
Yes, half way through the month and not a stitch done to either book I made goals for.  Only one I can blame is myself.  I let distractions such as Facebook get the better of me.  Naturally, family does come before writing and the time spent with my son was well worth it.  But, frankly, I should be flogged for just opening a file and not doing anything with it when I should have been working on it.
Now, as mentioned in an earlier post, instead of re-writing an entire chapter giving some background on the MC and a few good reasons for why she left, I was thinking of making most of that history internal thoughts and leaving more pertinent information in the dialog so Jason doesn’t know everything about her but enough to make him curious.
As advised in one of the craft books I’ve read, there is a part dedicated to Mindy and why she’s messed up in the affair.  Jason should also get a little bit of time in the spotlight as well giving some history, which, thankfully, I can find easily in his creator’s short stories and character history from RP logs.  I have a lot of role play logs with him.  :D  Not to mention, I can ask the creator, too.
I’m sure several who read my crazy ramblings are also aware that the A to Z Blog coming in three and a half months.  They’ve already announced the new team members who will be keeping track of things and making sure people follow the rules.  Since I enjoyed the month of alphabetical blogging last year, I’m going to do it this year.  Except this time, I’m taking a few ideas from others and preparing the posts before hand.  This way, research can be done, pictures found, and if I end up having to work late or get distracted by Facebook again or even editing/writing, I’ll have something to show for that day.
I won’t reveal what my theme will be this year, but I can say it will be interesting and informative to many out there.  It’s even one of my favorite things to do.  If we’re lucky, there will be some bonus to go along with the posts.  >;)
Even though I am in the middle of editing Society of Night and Lies, I am seeking people willing to critique and beta read.  I am catching many errors on my own, but fresh eyes will find so much more.  I need responses before February 15th for any who are interested.  I am seeking at least 10 to critique and beta read but no more than 15 tops.   Live Stream or even a YIM chat room will be set up weekly for us to meet and give feedback so there won’t be a huge rush on getting through the novel.
I also would like to ask some help to pare down the opening a bit.  The first 150 words ends in the middle of the sentence you meet the MC in her setting.  I need that and perhaps the first couple of chapters for #pitchfest which I’m sure is coming up soon.  The sooner, the better on this request, please.
Those who do volunteer will receive acknowledgement when published.  You can give me a pseudonym or even your real name for the page I’ll be listing these on.  It’ll be more than just a single sentence to cover everyone.
I’ve seen these all over and may be participating in one towards the end of this month to help promote Society of Night and Lies.  What is it you ask?  A blog tour, or blog hop if you prefer.
#Writemotivation and the A to Z Blog Challenge are along those same lines.  I was thinking of hosting one myself.  I am being very serious about this.  All I need are people willing to respond this post, either in the comments here, Twitter, or even Facebook, or where ever else you may see it pop up (I have a lot of forums I visit), and we’ll go from there.  I am thinking of having it Fantasy themed, but I am willing to see what suggestions come up from my more experienced readers.
Who knows, maybe the people in my target audience will like what you got and start collecting your books as well.  It is well worth the try.

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