Thursday, November 22, 2012

NaNo and #writemotivation

Considering the hour, I am going to keep this short and sweet.
I know I haven’t posted my usual Sunday excerpt or my #writemotivation posts.  Trust me when I say, I have been very busy with extra hours from work and as a result, I have been exhausted.  Not a good mix for writing.  I fell WAY behind until this last weekend, then it was a flurry of writing.
Sunday saw my word count breaking 20K before I went to bed at midnight.  Monday saw me hitting 25K with no problems.  Tuesday I had some problems trying to tie up the story in a way that I liked, but it pushed to just over the 30K mark.
The original story, Dark of Duck, just couldn’t mesh in my head to make it funny.  I can put in a bit of humor here or there to break the tension or shed a little light on someone’s personality, but comedy just isn’t me.  Unless you want here about my stories of Stupid Customer antics.  (I have plenty of those)  I won’t give up on it, but it isn’t the focus.  So, I wrote another story which flowed easily out of the dark recesses of my dirty mind.
Leofa’s Christmas is cute in its own right, but definitely adult only reading.  That’s what pushed me up to the 30K mark.  To get the rest of the way to 50K, Leofa is demanding I do a short story called A Day at the Hutch.  Still adult reading and very fetish-y, but it’s a story that  wants to be written and anything can happen in it.
Since this is also my #writemotivation post for the month (I haven’t posted until now.  Sorry!), here it is:
Reach 50K words before the 30th.  
The word count is 30,221/50,000  Not too shabby for being woefully behind a week ago.  My three-day weekend last week did a lot of good for me as far as rest and getting caught up. I’m still a tad behind, but nothing I can’t handle.
Good luck everyone on your Nano projects!!