Friday, June 28, 2013

Black Friday Resumes!

I haven’t written much on Black Friday 2in a very long while, but believe it or not, I recall exactly where I left off in the story.  Remember, I’m not a person who has good recall of anything, so be scared.  Be very, very, scared.
When I last looked at the draft, I left the ragged and cold group at the threshold of what will become their base of operations for a while.  Right now, the place is in need of some work, especially in the ceiling department.  Most, if not all, of the cabins in the old resort have gaping holes or no roof left and the main building is the only one that has four good walls and trees close enough they can get branches for a good fire and, hopefully, material to make a roof to keep out the snow and ice.
I know a few survivalists and if they had come across such a place with a group of people with little to no wilderness knowledge, but a strong will to survive, they said they would scavenge materials from other buildings to repair the main one then, when the weather allowed it, they would then work on the others and figure ways to get, or make, adequate tools to do the work needed.
Now, it wouldn’t be too strange if some tools were left behind by someone who may have used the place prior to their arrival.  Who knows what they’ll find in the other buildings besides old kills and evidence of other animals using the places for shelter.  Either way, the resort has been abandoned for at the very least five years.  Being tucked away in the mountains, anyone, or anything, could have been there.
This story does take place in our modern world, but there will be fictitious places, such as this hidden resort in the Appalachian Mountains.  The group has been on the Appalachian Trail and have taken refuge beyond the northern most point just before winter set in and closed off the pass.  They’ll have a few months to learn how to use their new bodies and abilities while they learn about what they are.
A couple of the many buildings in their new home.
A couple of the many buildings in their new home.
Come spring, there will be a few changes which Karina will have to handle and preparing for now with the aid of Hathor.  Once Hathor leaves, Karina is going to become a central focus and have an intimate connection with the world around her.  She’s already sensing some of it now.
I am keeping this to a first person narrative.  The story is going to be told by Karina, mostly, but Takesha and Nick will be adding their two cents in to cover absences by the loner of a leader.  Maybe Marcus will also say a word or two but he’ll be quiet as far as what He sees until book three.
Yes, there will be a book three.  Book two introduces the therian (soon to be renamed to something else) people to the world and cover the reactions of humans, from the zealots to the those of who don’t care what a person looks like.
They will also have to deal with one of their who will turn them in to  the authorities and be double crossed himself.  He’s been introduced, but I won’t give away who he is, yet.  That’s a secret to keep you coming back.  >;)
Nick isn't happy with what he finds out.
Nick isn’t happy with what he finds out.
Human nature will be making a big mark in the series, starting with therians being treated as bad, if not worse, than the Native Americans and African peoples in the beginning of the nation.  History has a way of repeating itself until people learn the lesson and move on.  I’ll be needing to do some history research before I go too much further.

Got ideas to add?  How’s your writing coming along?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Some Good News!

Some may know I had another attempt at the state licensing exam today.  Well, guess what!  I passed half of it.  The most important part of it to be exact.  *does the Happy Dance*
One down, one to go!  Time to celebrate the first win!
One down, one to go! Time to celebrate the first win!
But, they want me to take one more go at the other part.  That one, the 116 question half, was the one I failed by at least one, maybe two questions.  I made a 66.9%, which is so close, I could taste that passing grade.
Tonight, I am giving myself a brain break and going to work some onBlack Friday 2.  You know, try to get at least one chapter written tonight, or a chapter completed.  I forget if the last one was finished or not.  >.<  Sad, I know, but it has been a while since I looked at it last.
Tomorrow, I need to go to the office and do some quiet study on the areas I didn’t do so well and review the rest.  What caught me this time was the provisions, exclusions, and riders pertaining to life and health insurance.  I’m better those that go along with health insurance mostly since I could only review that topic before heading off to the exam today.  Life products (life insurance of all kinds) I need to review to make sure that information is fresh in my mind.
I’ll set up the new exam date tomorrow, then I’ll set about reviewing material and taking a few more notes.
To celebrate passing the most important part of the exam, mom took me out for some super, extra wonderful, soup at our favorite noodle house  in the world.  After my coach at work, she was the first to know about it.  She’s happy, and so am I.  We’ll do something else when I pass the other part.
More to celebrate coming soon.  :D
More to celebrate coming soon. :D

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Much Needed Change

ninjasI was going to post this last night but I found myself working more on the different pages and adding pictures to go with the actual content and even considering sub-heading under each page.  Like under SON&L will cover the main plot of the trilogy then give each book its own sub-page as a spotlight.  This also means Black Friday as a series will have several sub-pages because that is one story I'll write until it reaches a decent ending that'll tie all the books together neatly with no strings left dangling.

This means a lot more work will need to be done to fill everything in including some colored artwork of characters, places (maybe), as well as updates on progress for writing and submissions to agents and publishers should I decide to go on with traditional publishing.  The way things are looking, I may stick with independent publishing though I may not stick with Xlibris.  For some strange reason they aren't well liked by many official author groups due to past deeds.

But, I digress.

lightningI've some extra effort into customizing my theme.  Firstly, I created a header picture which depicts the different places from all of my stories.  There's the grassy plain or meadow, distant trees for forests, mountains, even an unintentional glimpse of a far off sea where at least one short story will be based. (Not all my writing has to be land based.)  Let me just say that the picture took a couple of hours to complete using just the mouse instead of hooking up my tablet.

My hand is still stiff and sore from doing that, but I am pleased with the results.

Yes, it does look blurry because I was aiming for a dreamlike quality instead of something in focus and sharply defined.  The main idea being is it represents so many stories and the tag line of this blog is 'Thoughts of a Visual and Verbal Artist'.

Honestly, I need to post more often, but then I don't have a lot to talk about with the studying I've done and feeling low because of my job situation (meaning no job).  At least people know how things are coming along with the few posts I've made.

All I can ask of anyone right now is, Pray for me and hope I pass the state exam this time.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#writemotivation Update Week 3

I know, I did week #2 on Sunday.  That tells you the impact the state exam had on me and missed passing it by a few questions.
There's some good news concerning the state exam; I am rescheduled for Tuesday next week.  I need to focus more on the rules, regulations, and statutes, along with the basics of the insurance license.  I pass that test, I won't have to worry too much about the other because that is part of the training.  But, it does look good if I pass both of them.
Provisions, exclusions, and riders are not an easy concept to understand when it comes to life and health insurance.  Add in taxation and you really make a hard subject difficult.  Thankfully, I know the basics of those now and just need to focus more on the provisions, riders, and exclusions.  I also need to make sure I understand the differences between Medicare, Medicare+Choice, and Long Term Care.  There's enough similarities to confuse even a genius like Hawking.
Now, to show what I haven't done for June.  >.<
Header image and thumbnail photograph by Hugh Lee and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Header image and thumbnail photograph by Hugh Lee and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

1) Set SoNL aside until feedback from critiques and betas are in on the first half of the novel

I can say this is done.  I have partial feedback in now.  I need to meet up with one and go over the material.  There's a couple of subplots I need to give some 'air time' to as well as adding more suspense.  I've got to print out those posts for easier reference.

2) Focus on Black Friday 2. Get at least two chapters written.

Same as where it was last week and the week before.  I need to study if I'm to pass the exam.

3) Keep up the job search. Four interviews minimum for the month of June

I guess I can honestly say this one can be crossed off.  I have the job, I just need to get over this difficult hurdle so I can begin work.  Like other specialized jobs, it is illegal to work without that license.

4) Exercise twice a week. (I mean it this time!)

Exercise has been done, just not quite the amount I wanted.
Half way there... sort of.  :)

How are your goals coming along?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day and Stuff

As the title says, I give a warm and hearty Happy Father’s Day there to all the dads and the moms who are doing double duty because the dad isn’t there for some reason.  Alive or not, our dads deserve a little recognition for what they gave us, even if the most they didwas help give us life.
My father was a good father.  Sure, he was flawed in more ways than I care to admit, but he was there.  That’s the most I can say, too.  He was there during my youth; the big male presence to make my family look ‘normal’.  It wasn’t until later, when I became more independent, that he started having more of a presence in my life.
Dave, the father of my little boy, Colin, is the kind of father I wished I had.  He’s more than just there for our son.  He’s involved in his life, teaching him things that I just don’t have the knowledge.  Colin is almost permanently attached to Dave’s hip; wanting to cuddle with him, or lay on him when he’s tired or not feeling well.  He wants to do the things his daddy can do.
My oldest son, Adam, enjoys his father’s presence.  Though I think it’s his grandfather that has been more of a father to him.  Adam lives with his grandparents in Arkansas; doing what they want him to do.  I just hope he doesn’t become too dependent on them like his father is or things will be bad for him in the future.  But, he’s a strong young man with a mind of his own and a desire to keep conflict down to a minimum in his life.  Good thing he inherited my intellect and attitude (minus the sarcasm).
These three dads deserve a day of their own.  One of them gets to enjoy my cooking, no matter how strange some of it gets.  ;)
As for the Stuff part… I’m giving my week two update for #writemotivation today.  Just to keep things short and to the point, nothing has changed.
I spent last week studying for my state licensing exam for selling life and health insurance.  The good news is I did a lot better than the last time.  The bad news… well… I failed.  This time by a few questions.  For Licensing and state rules, regs, and statutes, I got a 68%, literally one question shy of a passing grade.  For the big test which covers underwriting, life and health products, provisions, riders and exclusions, Medicare and Long Term Care, I made a 61.4%.
So very close!!!  AAAUUUGH!!! /Charlie Brown  I sat and did the math and all I needed was five questions total to make a passing grade.  I need a 70% to pass on both.  This means that I will be rescheduling tomorrow during business hours for another exam.  I’m aiming for this coming Friday and I’ll be studying as hard as I can.  I NEED to pass this exam so I can start working again.  It seems all I can get into is insurance of some kind.
In the past two weeks I’ve had Heritage, Aflac, Farmers and others sending me emails (They’ve found my resume online from Monster) wanting to schedule interviews even though I don’t have anything related to insurance on my resume except for customer service expertise and some sales.  What management experience I have is over 5 years old now.  Ah well, at least they’ll be jobs.  Something I am in need of right now.
I love my family but I need to get out of the house before I go nuts.  >.<

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Best Little Hole-in-the-wall in Tulsa

Once again, I have come out of hiding to give my opinion on one of Tulsa's many fine eating establishments.  I'll be posting more often once I pass the state insurance exam, so please, be patient.  Books, writing, and other things will be appearing soon.


Tonight I had the pleasure of having dinner over on Brookside.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Tulsa, or don't live in Tulsa, or Oklahoma at all, Brookside is a short stretch of road on Peoria between 31st and 41st streets.  Brookside is home to many restaurants to make any foodie swoon; such as Wolfgang Puck's Bistro, Pei Wei, and tonight's feature, Hibiscus.

Hibiscus is a unique food experience.  Its theme comes from the Caribbean, centering around Jamaica and the big bold flavors popular on the island.  They've been around for five years; the same amount of time I've been back in Tulsa.  As many times as I have been through Brookside, I never saw it until mom spotted it Sunday when we were searching for the elusive Neighborhood Market further down the street.

This restaurant is small with a cozy, personable, feel with beautiful watercolors of people adorning the walls.  When I say small, I mean small but you don't feel crowded at any point of time.  If you want, you can even dine outside.

By no means is this a fancy place.  Casual is how the staff dresses and they are very friendly and on top of things from entry to paying the check.  You can test your server on the menu and they will describe everything well enough it makes deciding on what to eat difficult.  But, they are more than happy to recommend dishes that will fit your tastes.

Tonight, mom and I enjoyed their Fisherman's Platter.  This was a large filet of Talapia with shrimp and vegetables in a spicy scampi type sauce.  Not too spicy, mind you, but enough to come up and slap you in the face before fading away in a clean finish.  I'd say the spice is a good kick and doesn't take away from the flavors of the fish, shrimp, and the beautiful vegetables.  The sides I chose were Callaloo, a spiced spinach dish, and fried plantains.

Both sides were spot on perfect!  The fried plantains were cooked just long enough to make them flavorful without making them into hard chips.  Like potato chips, I couldn't stop at just one, even as full as what I was.  The Callaloo was a pleasant surprise with the sweetness of the spinach mixed with onions and red bell peppers, and a good kick of spice that melded well into a palate pleasing bite.

We did enjoy an appetizer which, well, we regretted having because we were so full from it, we couldn't finish the main entrée.  But, I'll definitely be going back again just to have those fries.  The fries were your normal thick cut shoestrings with cheese and the house BBQ sauce.  The BBQ sauce made the dish with its lightly floral sweetness pepped up with a blend of spices to wake you up.  Mom and I could not get enough of the sauce, it was that good.

There is one dish we saw on the menu that we intend on going back to try.  Curry Goat sounds dangerously good.  It's real goat meat on the bone cooked in the sweet yellow curry rather than the green spicy curry.  You can ask for more heat if you want, but it sounds just so good the way they have it described on the menu..

Now, fair warning, the Hibiscus has a bar, so be careful bringing your kids, even though they do have a kid's menu.  I'm not saying don't bring them, but you'll want to go in there earlier in the evening with them.
There is also live music on Thursdays which I'll investigate after I'm working again.  This weekend, they have a band coming in doing cover songs, but they normally have jazz and blues.  I enjoy all kinds of music and jazz if played well is always well worth listening.

My overall assessment:

Food: Excellent
Cleanliness: Excellent (everyone was making sure the place was kept clean and tidy)
Our Server: Very good and funny.  I hope to have him on my next visit.
Location: Good.  If you're not looking, you'll miss it.

Altogether, I give Hibiscus a 4.5 star rating.  For a little newbie on the food scene, and writing I may add, this is good and I hope it's enough to get others to go and savor the bold flavor of Hibiscus.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

May Wrap-up + June Goals #writwemotivation+ State License Exam

Well, things are finally starting to take a turn for the better.  Technically, I have a job now, but there will be no pay until after the training period is done and I pass the State License Exam for Health and Life insurance.  This is not an easy thing to do.  My first try, with studying at night before bed, I failed it.  A 47 on one partand a 53 on the other.  I need a 70 minimum to pass.  Yeah, I did not do good at all. /le sigh
Do not fear!  The company I will be working with is coaching me and allowing me a quiet place to study and take notes until I re-take the exam next Friday.  I intend on passing this time and with any luck, a minimum of an 80 instead of a 70.
If the quiz I just took on the most important of it all, the statues, rules and regulations of insurance in OK, is any indication, I’ll do fine.  I missed three out of 15 questions.  One of them was a stupid on my part.  The amount of time the State Ins. Commissioner keeps advertisements on file is 4 years, not 3.  I got the time period mixed up with another one that is very similar.  Easily done, but I should have gotten it since I had just finished going through that section and took many notes about the marketing and sales section.
This also means I will be learning more about sales and marketing, too.  I should be able to apply what I learn from insurance to build sales on my book (soon to be books).
May’s Goals:
1) Get a job or at the very least attend five interviews for a job.
Three face-to-face interviews and one phone interview done.  One was for the agency I am studying for.  I consider this one done.
2) Edit/revise five chapters of Society of Night and Lies.
It wasn’t quite five chapters before I decided to stop and send off the first half of SoNL to the beta readers.  Still, it is done.
3) Write two chapters of Black Friday 2.
I never did get around to writing anything for this one.  Total Fail.  :(
4) Exercise twice a week.
Kind of did, but not each week.  I did manage one day per week.  I call it a good start.
All in all, I did accomplish a lot in May.  A portion was dedicated to studying for the failed exam which did hinder things a bit.  Thankfully, I did manage to find some kind of work.  Just have to jump through the hoops before I can start earning again.

June Goals:

1) Set SoNL aside until feedback from critiques and betas are in on the first half of the novel
Done, and well, done.  I already have some feedback in.  There’s going to be some revisions on the opening and what is going on so you see my MC as more than some depressed alcoholic daydreaming when she’s not.
2) Focus on Black Friday 2. Get at least two chapters written.
I won’t start on this until AFTER my exam date.  My primary focus needs to be on getting some income to support my writing.  I’ve a few ideas already on how to move the story along.
3) Keep up the job search. Four interviews minimum for the month of June
I think I can call this one complete.  I am feeling good about the exam and how well I’m handling the practice quizzes.  B’s are better than F’s any day of the week.  This one will be modified to pass the exam.
4) Exercise twice a week. (I mean it this time!)
With warm weather here, this one will be easy.  There’s going to be a lot of swimming and nature walks for me and Colin.
I’ve collected the writing prompts from the Writemotivation G+ community.  I’ll be posting them sometime this weekend here and in the group.  I am curious what you all thought of the prompts from last week.  My favorite was the prompt “Hush, little one, it’s going to be fine…”  It came out so sad.  Did you feel the emotion in that one?
Pray for me as I study my tail off this week.  I need all the help I can to pass this exam.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

This Week in Prompts

Bad title is bad.  Yeah, I know, I suck.  :P
I've had plenty of time to write this week and all I did was sit and stare at the computer screen filling out more applications and sending in my resume to every job opening I thought I could qualify for.  So, when it came to the evening, I'm too tired from staring at the screen to want to think about writing anything, not even the prompts which came up in the #writemotivation G+ group.
A few questions that were posted I gave an answer to.  Others, I read and got a good giggle out of them.
The best news of the week came yesterday when the second round of first page/query critiques came out.  Naturally, I sent in the first page of Society of Night and Lies.  What I got back was better than anticipated.  I was expecting it to be ripped apart with questions asking why a cat was talking and drinking in a bar.
Sure, there were questions but more of when the hook was coming not about anthromorphs.  The one who critiqued mine did make a suggestion, which a beta had also mentioned, was to trim off the first sentences.  Which, yes, I do agree with.  Those first few are fluff and not really needed.  Something else also stood out clear as crystal to me, if Sabrina is trying to keep from being pulled back into a seedy underground society she used to be an assassin for, shouldn't there be more mystery, especially surrounding her?  More suspense as she tries to figure out how her old 'boss' found her and managed to locate her only living relative?
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
More trimming and spacing out information and more with the keeping things to herself so she can follow her own agenda, which is stay free of the Claw and Fang.
Didn't I mention writing prompts?
May 28th:  "What's that smell?"
"What's that smell?"  Mom shouted when she entered the room.  Her hand waved in front of her face with she used the other to pull her over-sized t-shirt up over her nose to help block the noxious fumes.  "Did someone die in here? "  Her hacking and gagging was only partially faked.  She was really sickened by the stench that filled the room.
In the chair just in front of where mom stood, her son, a rambunctious eight-year-old boy was trying to hide from the smell behind his spindly legs and his tablet on which he was playing a game.  "Pee-ew!  That's really, really bad.  Dad's tryinta kill us, mommy!"  He was laughing while pretending to be grossed out by the death-like aroma.
The scent was fading.  Apparently not fast enough because mom grabbed the bottle of air and fabric refresher and sprayed it around the room; making sure every inch of the floor was touched by the mist as well as the cats' tree and the furniture.  Even then, that fetid scent lingered behind the floral and cinnamon of the spray.
"Colin," mom said sharply as she gave the boy an equally stern look.  "What have I told you about constantly joking about bodily functions?"
Colin quickly stopped, but he didn't stop waving his hands to keep the fine mist from making it to his tablet or his nose.  He was too young to realize that such an attempt was futile.
While the cats were miffed at having their precious tree with the four tiers of cups and curved platforms for them to sprawl in was lacking their special scents, they were more than happy to receive the petting and chin tickles from the man of the house.  He had just ambled in from the bathroom; laughing at his son's ruckus and the defensive stance that his spouse had taken.
"It wasn't me, this time."  He looked as innocent as Satan on a rampage.  "I was in the bathroom the whole time."
"It wasn't me, either, mommy."  Colin piped in with a big mischievous smile on his face.  "I wouldn't put it past either of you, boys."  Then look from one to another as if she were a detective out of an old movie, she asked, "If you two didn't do it, who did?"
Just then, another whiff of fetid wretchedness drifted toward them.  They looked at each other.  Neither of them had done it that time.   Then they watched as the tom cat leaped off the cat tree and ran from the room. Only one left was the half-grown female and she was grooming her hind leg.  Somehow, that little innocent cat had made a stench worthy of a full grown man after eating all day at a bean festival.
May 29th:  "It's not that the women are stupid..." (corrected for the grammar)
"It's not that the women are stupid..." stated the old trapper, "but most of 'em ain't got the sense to tell th' difference b'tween a worm and a piece o' rope.  Ya cain't teach 'em nuthin' without havinta 'splain it 'bout thirty fo'ty times a'for they catch on."
The other men sitting near by nodded and sipped at their tankards; keeping their voices low while the drunken badger talked loudly so everyone in the tavern could hear him.  They had their own opinions about women but none of them dared speak them aloud.  They learned their lessons long ago.
One of the many patrons of the Jade Moon could have tried to quiet the badger down, or done something to keep him quiet.  But, no, they kept drinking.  Perhaps they were taking some perverse pleasure in knowing that sooner or later, the badger would be shown why you don't speak against women in that particular tavern.
As if to ruin their fun, one of the bartender came over to their group.  As big as what the gray wolf looked, he moved quickly and quietly.  "Sir, you're being too loud.  Would you please talk quieter, you're disturbing the other patrons."  He was polite and looked professional in his tunic and apron, but he sounded like he really did not want the badger to be quiet.
Bleary-eyed from the mead he had drunk, the badger waved his hand as if he trying to push him away.  "I ain't being loud, sir."  Strangely, he didn't slur his words, but he definitely was not sober.  "I am being perfectly quiet.  Ain't that right boys."  He eyed his companions and gave them a gap-toothed grin as he raised his mug up in the air.  "More mead, sir.  Me'n the boys here are thirsty."
The wolf looked over the group as the more sober, and wiser, shook their heads.  Some muttering and others keeping their voices down as they sipped from their own cups.  He shrugged and left the group alone.  He had a feeling they were waiting for the badger to say too much at just the right moment.  For just in case, he took his time preparing the new tankard for the soon-to-be victim.
They didn't have long to wait.  The only female bartender in the tavern came down the stairs, dressed in her leathers and sturdy boots for her shift.  The dark colors were in contrast to her pale gray fur and long blonde hair.  She had no idea that trouble would be thrust her way.
Standing to see where the bartender was, the badger spied the wolf femme as she sauntered over to the bar then lean on it while speaking to a brown furred wolf standing guard by the till while serving drinks to the other patrons.  "See boys!"  He shouted almost gleefully as he pointed with his empty tankard at the wolf femme.  "That's what I mean.  Women ain't got no sense.  She ain't s'posed ta be dressin' like a man.  She should be wearin' dresses and keepin' in th' home ta mind the kids."
In that moment, the tavern went silent.  Only a few soft coughs were heard and quickly hushed.  Outside, the wind could be heard blowing through the eaves and branches tapping on the walls.  It was quiet enough that the mice peeked out of their holes to see if it was safe to venture out to find food.  It felt as though everyone was holding their breath.
Sharp ears swiveled toward the badger and his companions then, slowly, the she-wolf turned to face them.  Her eyes were dark and her jaw set tight.  Each step seemed filled with purpose as she strode over to the badger's table.
Quickly, the group surrounding the badger scattered, leaving a wide path for her to approach.  As soon as she arrived at his table, she slapped her hands down on the surface then leaned in to get nose to nose with the trapper.  Her blue eyes were like eyes, showing nothing of the anger that filled her gut from the insult he had made.  "What did you say?"  Her growl was low and her jaw barely moved, but her lips curled back to reveal rows of sharp teeth.  "Did you imply that I am to be nothing more than a maid and brood mare?"
The pride the old badger felt melted away as survival instincts cleared away the alcohol from his system.  He leaned back when she moved closer and his knees suddenly felt like jelly.  "Um... yes... ma'am...?"  Immediately, he knew that was a bad answer.
Before anyone could react, he badger was in the air, being slung about while punch after punch landed on his face.  He struggled to get away only to be held captive until the beating ended. He couldn't tell up from down or where to block to stop the pounding he was taking from a woman; a woman who was smaller than he was.
Somehow, amid all the furious hitting and struggling, they ended up near the door.  One of the patrons opened it to allow her to toss the trapper out.  Before giving him the boot, she whispered into the badger's ear, "No one says Frea is a brood mare.  Ever.  Learn to respect the ladies, old man."  In her voice a threat could be felt.  A threat that would ensure he'd never insult her or another woman again.
Out into the windy night the badger flew, his rump well above his head as he soared face first into the cobblestone road.  He laid there in the street, groaning from the beating he just took.  All that noticed him were the city guards and they shook their heads and tisksed softly.  They needed no explanation.
May 30th:  "Hush, little one, it's going to be fine..."
"Hush, little one, it's going to be fine..."  The words echoed softly through Ashlin's mind while she held the single flower in her hands and held it to her nose.  Her sniffles couldn't be masked by the only token she had to lay upon the grave of her deceased mother.
She had been gone for only a year, and it seemed like yesterday that her mother spoke those words to her and brushed away the tears that crept down her cheeks.  She didn't look ill, and yet, she was so frail and weak.  The last few days of her life were spent in bed while her body deteriorated from the fever and coughing.
Ashlin never left her mother's side during her illness.  She helped feed her and clean up the messes the coughing made.  She kept her company when she should have been outside playing with the other children in their village.  In her heart she hoped her mother would get better if someone stayed with her and took care of her every need.
As much as she tried, she could not help her mother get well.  None of the medicines worked and the closest healer was too far away to get them in time even though they tried their hardest.  All the healer could do was help ease her mother into death so she didn't have any pain to fight with or coughing to disturb her path into oblivion.
Father was there in those last moments, grasping his wife's hand while Ashlin held the other; both grieving for the one person who made them a family as she passed away.  That couldn't have been more perfect with sunshine and warm spring breezes to chase butterflies and wisps through the dandelion fluff.  It was a perfect day, just as it was now on the anniversary of her mother's death.
Only a year older, she couldn't grasp death fully, but she knew it made her heart break into a million tiny pieces that she had struggled to put together since.  Even her father felt the same way and decided the only way to move on in their lives was to move away and make a fresh start.    It wasn't an easy one to make and it felt like they were losing her again because of it.
"Come, Ashlin."  Her father called to her from the wagon.  He had already returned to the seat and was waiting for her.  Everything they owned was packed in the back beneath a heavy tarp.  "It's time to go."
She spared him only a quick glance before resting the flower beside the simple tombstone.  "Good-bye, mommy.  I miss you," she whispered then ran to the wagon, crying because she could not take the grief any longer.
As the horses started their slow plod down the worn path, a soft voice whispered on the wind as it blew past Ashlin's ears, "Hush, little one, it's going to be fine..."